Thursday, July 18, 2013

Barbara Stanwyck Blogathon, Day 3

I have to admit, the Stanwyck-Taylors looked incredibly cute in photos

It's Day Three, folks, and the fans show no signs of slowing down! Today looks to be pretty eventful, with a generous helping of film noir to start us off. From there, we move on to Willa Cather adaptations and TV shows, to sharpshooters and troubled violinists. And that's still only the beginning, we've got four more days of Stanwyck to enjoy!

The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (Silver Screenings)

Witness to Murder (Who Can Turn The World Off With Her Smile?)

A Lost Lady (Tinseltown Royalty)

The Barbara Stanwyck Show (Caftan Woman)

Annie Oakley (Silver Scenes)

Golden Boy (Hollywoodland This N That)

Blonde Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity (Film Noir Blonde)


  1. What a great line up so far. I've got a lot of reading to catch myself up with. Congrats on a great Blogathon so far-

    Love Silver Screenings Martha Ivers post!and all the other fabulous features besides- Cheers Joey

    1. Thanks, Joey! Your support and enthusiasm has been great.

  2. Ok to do second post ? I've reviewed Barbara 's Trooper Hook today. She and Joel McCrea are terrific

    Vienna's Classic Hollywood

    1. Sure, Vienna! You're awesome! I'll add that to the list.
