Wonder why Barbara's smiling? Well, she's got good reason. A whopping 49 film bloggers have signed up for the Barbara Stanwyck Blogathon this summer!
While I can't speak for the lady herself, I have a pretty good idea that she would be truly touched and honored to see how much the people love her, over twenty years after her passing. Barbara Stanwyck was not the kind of actress that campaigns for praise or glories in adulation. She wasn't America's sweetheart, she wasn't a sex symbol, and she wasn't a great lady of the theater. She was a woman that went to work every day and gave it her all and if Stanwyck knew she was a genius (as I'm sure she did) she never let it get in her way. She was brilliant right up to the end. And from July 16 to July 22 this year, we're going to give her one hell of a celebration.
For those of you who've been wondering about my long silence this past month, rest assured that I haven't just been sitting around munching chips and reading The Lone Ranger reviews. Aside from real-world stuff, I've been gearing up for the blogathon by brushing up on my Stanwyck knowledge. That means reading the Stanwyck biographies. That means fighting my way through Stanwyck's formidable filmography of 85 movies. Not to mention her TV shows and guest appearances. I haven't gotten through all of it and I probably won't by the time of the blogathon. I may love Stanwyck beyond all reason, but I do have to pay rent. Still, it's been an incredible joy to spend quality time with her this summer and I've emerged from the experience, an even more devoted fan.
The big news today is that I've posted the schedule for the blogathon. Bear in mind that it is a preliminary schedule, that's all. For those of you that have requested a specific date, you have it. For everybody else, I've tried to arrange the dates so that every day has a good mix of movie genres and topics. I hope I've come up with something workable for everybody.
That said, you can still request a date. Just comment here or email me if you'd like to change to another day and I'll move you around.
For those of you that requested more than one movie, I've tried to arrange the schedule so that each movie gets its own post. If you're down for two movies, than I've put you down for two separate dates. Please go through the list and see where your blog is posted. I chose to do this on the assumption that it would be more difficult to post multiple movie reviews on the same day. If however, that is what you were planning to do and you'd prefer to just do one big post, let me know and I'll change your entry date. No worries.
Before I show you the schedule, let me try to answer some standard blogathon questions.
I don't want to write about this topic any more. Can I switch?
Course you can. No problem. Drop me a line and I'll change it for you.
Things have changed and I've just been so busy this summer and I won't be able to write for the blogathon after all. Is that okay?
I still don't know my topic! But I still really want to write for the blogathon!
Then take your time. The only reason I collect blogathon topics ahead of time is so that we get a good mix of movies. You've still got from now until the blogathon to decide.
I haven't signed up for the blogathon but I want to! Are you still accepting entries?
Sure. Again, just let me know in the comments section or by email and I'll add you to the list.
July 16
- No Man of Her Own (Vienna's Classic Hollywood)
- Remember the Night (A Thousand Words)
- Sorry, Wrong Number (Thrilling Days of Yesteryear)
- The Miracle Woman (Pre-Code.com)
- Lady of Burlesque (3B Theater: Micro-Brewed Reviews)
- Stella Dallas (Faster, Pussycat! Blog! Blog!)
- Stanwyck the femme fatale (The Scarlett Olive)
- Barbara Stanwyck: an appreciation (The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog)
- Stanwyck's costumes in Ball of Fire (Stardust)
July 17
- Christmas in Connecticut (A Person in the Dark)
- Forty Guns (Lerner International Enterprises)
- Stanwyck and Dynasty (Wide Screen World)
- Titanic (Noir and Chick Flicks)
- Capra and Stanwyck (The Motion Pictures)
July 18
- The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (Silver Screenings)
- Witness to Murder (Who Can Turn The World Off With Her Smile?)
- Night Nurse (Comet Over Hollywood)
- A Lost Lady (Tinseltown Royalty)
- The Barbara Stanwyck Show (Caftan Woman)
- Annie Oakley (Silver Scenes)
- Golden Boy (Hollywoodland This N That)
- Stanwyck: a career in pictures (Let's Go to the Movies)
- Blonde Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity (Film Noir Blonde)
July 19
- The Lady Eve (Classic Movie Hub
- Gambling Lady (Immortal Ephemera)
- These Wilder Years (Citizen Screen)
- The File on Thelma Jordon (Krell Laboratories)
- All I Desire/There's Always Tomorrow (Pensamientos Filmicos)
- The Two Mrs. Carrolls (The Last Drive In)
July 20
- My Reputation (Portraits by Jenni)
- Ball of Fire (Old Movies Nostalgia)
- Union Pacific (The Kitty Packard Pictorial)
- The Bitter Tea of General Yen (Ferdy on Film)
- A Taste of Evil (3B Theater: Micro-Brewed Reviews)
- The Big Valley (Hamlette's Soliloquy)
- Always Goodbye (Movie Classics)
- Crime of Passion (Running After My Hat)
July 21
- This is My Affair (Crítica Retrô)
- Banjo on My Knee (True Classics)
- Clash by Night (Silver Scenes)
- Forbidden (Shadows and Satin)
- The Night Walker (WeirdFlix)
- Meet John Doe (The Joy and Agony of Movies)
- Ladies of Leisure (The Girl with the White Parasol)
- "Babs in the Boardroom" (Second Sight)
July 22
- Ladies They Talk About (The Man on the Flying Trapeze)
- The Mad Miss Manton (Close Ups and Long Shots)
- Double Indemnity (Classic Movie Hub)
- The Purchase Price (The Nitrate Diva)
- Jeopardy (Pensamientos Filmicos)
- The Thorn Birds (FlorenceFallon.com)
- Walk on the Wild Side (The Last Drive In)
- Stanwyck the anti-heroine (The Great Katharine Hepburn)
- Baby Face (Classic Movies)
Stay tuned for more updates, guys!
ETA: For those of you that need to talk to me about post topics/scheduling/anything else blogathon-related, you can always reach me by email at adams.are@gmail.com.
Ooh, this is exciting. All of a sudden the tribute blogathon feels so real.
ReplyDeleteI know! Already I can feel the adrenaline rush.
DeleteI've written my date on my calendar! Hooray!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading your post, Hamlette!
DeleteThis is happening! I nearly fainted when I realized I was on the first day, but I'm not going to let this stress me out too much. This blogathon is for fun and to honor an amazing actress, so let's get the ball rolling. I'm especially looking forward to read about Baby Face.
ReplyDeleteAww, I didn't mean to stress you out. I was mainly trying to strike a good balance of movies for each day. But if you'd like another day further down the week, please let me know and I'll switch you pronto. I want everyone to be excited, not stressed. Or if you're happy with the 16th, that works, too. I wanted to get the schedule out now so that people would have time to move stuff around, change their minds, switch days, etc.
DeleteI'm really looking forward to Baby Face, too.
Oh, my being shocked is in no way related to the blogathon. I'm a naturally jittery person. I'm happy to go on the 16th. Thanks for your concern!
DeleteAubyn, I need to be a pain and change my choice. I am actually going to be out of town from the 15th to the 25th, and I will have very minimal internet access (if at all). I will schedule it to post on the day you've assigned me, but I won't be visiting the other entries until after I return from my trip.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, because of my time crunch, I don't have time to track down "The Furies." I can get it from my library, but it's checked out now, and waiting for it to be returned, will make me too rushed.
SO...I would like to do "Blowing Wild," her third pairing with Gary Cooper. Most everyone knows Coop and Stanwyck did "Meet John Doe" and "Ball of Fire" together, but they also had a third pairing, in 1953. I caught that film about a month ago and have wanted to review it anyhow, so doing it for the blogathon would be great.
Also, is this the page you want us to include a link to?
Patti, you're not a pain at all. In my book, you get an A+ for letting me know all this well in advance. I hope you enjoy your trip and come home to a blog overflowing with comments. If you want to switch to Blowing Wild, that's totally fine. I saw that one myself a month ago. Reminded me of a mix between Fatal Attraction and To Have and Have Not if that makes any sense. Glad to have it in the blogathon. I'll switch your topic ASAP.
DeleteAlthough I might send out a general distress call for the now-orphaned The Furies. Anyone feel like grabbing that one up?
For now, link back to this page. I'm planning on putting up an official blogathon page a few days before the blogathon so that people will have an easy hub to go to without all this extra commentary from me. But for your purposes, a link back to this page is totally alright.
Let me know if there's anything else I can do regarding dates and entries. I really appreciate that even with your busy schedule, you're still choosing to participate. It means a lot to have a great writer like you on board!
My piece is gonna be about Stany on 'Dynasty,' so you can update my entry if you want.
ReplyDeleteReally excited about this. Great to see so many entries.
Thanks for the note, Rich. I've updated your entry. Looking forward to reading your post.
DeleteOh boy, oh boy, oh boy...we got our seatbelts fastened and are ready to take a ride on the Barbara blogathon roller coaster. Wow, there sure is going to be alot to read about. She had quite a full career! Thanks for spacing our posts a few days apart. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the timing suits you guys :). And yeah, it's going to be quite a ride, with all these posts.
DeleteAuuuugh, sorry I've been so away! I moved into a new place, and so far the internet connection is CRAPPY. But hopefully I can get it all squared away tomorrow and give my full attention to my spot on the 18th. Thank you, Aubyn!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Laura. I'm sorry to hear that your connection's so lousy. I hate it when that happens. I hope the 18th still works for you. I'm really looking forward to your take on Witness to Murder.
ReplyDeleteI'm new to this party and wonder if it's still possible to get on the schedule. Have been kicking around ideas about The Strange Love of... for a couple of years and would love to contribute to the blogathon. Not sure if you're accepting non-member contributions... Please let me know ASAP so if the answer is yes, I can get right on it! Thanks very much.
Hi, Misospecial. I'm glad you decided to drop in. There's no restrictions, anybody that wants to write for the blogathon is free and welcome to do it. Unfortunately, I do have a policy of only one reviewer per movie. Because Stanwyck made so many movies, I thought it was better not to have repeats. And someone's already taken The Strange Love of Martha Ivers. I'd still love to have you join us, if there's any other Stanwyck movie that catches your interest. There's still over 30 movies left unclaimed. Or you could do a post comparing Martha Ivers to Stanwyck's other noirs or a post about Stanwyck's costumes. I hope there's something that you'd like to write about since I'd be very happy to have you in the blogathon.
DeleteThanks for getting back to me and for being so gracious about allowing me to join the fun. I have a couple of ideas: A comparison of B.F.'s Daughter, Executive Suite, and East Side, West Side (possible title: Barbara in the Boardroom), or a piece on Stanwyck's flare for comedy gives her a range unmatched by either of the other members of the holy triad of uberdivas, since with the exception of All About Eve neither Crawford or Davis showed any real comic gift (possible title: Rage Takes a Holiday). Anyway, do let me know so I can place that latest unbudgeted Amazon order...
DeleteBoth those ideas sound amazing! I would love to read them. Really, it's up to you which one you'd prefer to write about. I'll just put down your blog in the list of participants and when you let me know which topic you want, I'll put the title next to your name. So glad you're going to join us!
DeleteHell, theme song away! You've definitely piqued my curiosity.
ReplyDeleteOkay! "Barbara in the Boardroom" it is.
ReplyDeleteI feel silly but can't find your email address; but I feel even more silly doing this whole conversation on your blog, so if you could pass along your address I'd be much obliged.
Thanks, this is going to be fun!
Thanks for the response. I'll add my email address to the bottom of this post.
DeleteThis looks terrific! I`ll be ready to go on the 18th...and am really looking forward to reading everyone`s contribution.
ReplyDeleteNice job, Aubyn. :)
Thanks! I am so glad that everybody's excited and ready for this blogathon. When I first posted about it, I was really worried that nobody would sign up. Looking forward to your piece on Martha Ivers, which is one of my favorite Stanwyck films.
DeleteMy first entry is all go. For your reading pleasure: Lady of Burlesque.
ReplyDeleteAubyn, I wish I'd had the time to participate in your Barbara Stanwyck Blogathon, but shortly I'll be eagerly reading and commenting on them! BRAVA to you for putting together this great Blogathon! You go, girl! :-D
ReplyDeleteUp and running: Thanks for putting this together!
ReplyDeleteBarbara Stanwyck in Forty Guns (and some notes on Baby Face)
You rule!
Here is my submission for tomorrow: "Barbara Stanwyck: A Lady or a Liar?"